Innovative Upskilling and Reskilling curriculum, mentors training and Platform
Co-designed, innovative, inclusive and sustainable curricula for Agrotourism entrepreneurship based on skills mapping and matching. This result will contribute towards a curriculum of quality based on the results of WP2, adapted to the learner and to the needs of the most vulnerable participants mixed with professionals of the sector. Never a CV as such has been developed in Europe.
In rural areas, many adults need figures of reference for inspiration, especially in the entrepreneurial area. The local testing of the training with the target group will not only need suitable digital tools but also a touch of the local feeling to bring to the ground the knowledge and the people-to-people experience. Already in the preparation phase, partners have identified potential reference figures that could motivate individuals in the territories. During the development of the results, further training is foreseen to validate and further replicate the results.
An innovative learning platform and tools for providing training that is adapted to the needs and expectations of Upskill+ target groups.